Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Post #1

Ok, so we are into it now, at 8:00 am ET in Central New Jersey.

I woke up around 5:00 am this morning as the wind and rain started to pick up at that point, at least enough to wake me up.... Seems like mostly coming from the east - northeast, as my study is in the front of the house, facing NE and the rain is lashing the windows now.

Spent Saturday most of the day prepping - caulked a couple of windows, brought in all of the outdoor furniture and grill, made a couple of runs to the brush dump to get rid of our leaves in the street (Township had not come by to vacuum them up yet) as well as a couple of tarps full of stuff Kathleen had pulled out of the backyard last weekend. Pretty much ready to go by mid-afternoon.

Yesterday was quiet all day - literally, the calm before the storm. A little wind and a few showers, but that wa sit. But we are into it now.

School is closed at least today and tomorrow, and Kathleen's work is closed those 2 days as well. They closed my office but of course, said that 'if you can work at home, please do'....

Looks like I missed one window in my study to caulk, as it just started leaking a bit...


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