Dude, why
are you wearing jorts? You look like a douche.
See what I mean? Here's another example, in a tweet I recently came across -
I thought my uber driver said he was buying a pair of $900 jorts but he actually meant Jordans. I don't know which one was worse.
Why the uproar? Everyone likes wearing jeans, right? And most men I know live in shorts in the summer.... So why has the combination become so toxic in society today? I think it is essentially sexism - no one complains when a lady wears jorts, right? Especially if they are Daisy Dukes.
I will admit that a few years ago, I put away my jorts, much to the relief of my wife and children. My daughter, especially, was so thankful she almost cried when I told her. But I started wearing them again last year because, dang it, they are JEANS, and I like jeans but they are too hot in summer.... So, my riveted, 5-pocket Wranglers are back on me, and I love them.
Hmmm, maybe that is the issue, the fact that they are Wranglers...? Maybe if I spring for a pair of Lees.....